Project Abaddon
Die Stadt Biologics Lab:
Multiplayer Shooter Map
Third person multiplayer shooter inspired by Valorant's Breeze map. The goal of this map is to create a fun team death match for people to enjoy at my college's grad show.
I wanted the map to feel tactical and familiar to people who play competitive FPS shooters, but easy enough to understand so that casual players could also have fun.
Duration: 1 Week
Team Size: 1
Software: Unreal, Photoshop
Level Gameplay
Mood Board/Researching

Through looking at tons of maps from other popular first and third person shooters, I took a special interest in the layout of Valorant's 'Breeze'. The players spawn in with a number of set paths - many of which lead to the same place. This seemed like a great way to increase tension in the moment to moment gameplay and nail that tactical feel that I wanted to achieve in my own design.
You can see someone go one way and know where they're trying to go, but you must try to predict which path exactly they'll take. I think that's very interesting! I'm also taking note of key points of interest in these maps as well. POIS are tactically important, and important for orienting players I.E. knowing where you are on the map.
Paper Mapping
Designing a tactical shooting map

'A' is where the red team spawns while 'B' is where the blue team spawns.
While studying Valorant's 'Breeze', I was making note of all the pathways and various routes that the players can take to get from their spawns to the sites where they need to plant the bomb and tried to recreate some of those moments.
Initial Papermap
Blockout Process

While blocking the space out, I realized I had to increase the connectivity to providing more tactical depth and replayability.
So I added a bridge to give the map some more dimension, and two new paths that allowed players to sneak from their spawn to their opponents spawn.
This blockout had more options via multiple paths.
Points of interest (POIS)
Primary Processing Room

The area that proves to be the bloodiest. The open-ness of the space and its connectivity to many liminal spaces & other POIs ensures that many players will meet here.

R&D Wing

Area with a very high kill-rate despite being marginally more closed off. It offers access to a secret path into the base of team A. It is slightly easier to reach for team B than for A, but it is still a dangerous trek to secure the position for both teams. It offers great coverage by way of lines of sight and high ground.

Shipping & Storage

An area with a relatively low amount of combat right outside of Spawn A. It offers a secret pathway to the spawn of team B. Despite being easier to access, it offers little by way of lines of sight.